My Tuesday Recommendations

Here are a few books and songs I recommend you checking out. All these will be sources of future blog content as I work my way through them.

Books I’m reading:

·         Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin – Great book that makes you think about what really makes some people stand out and achieve at high levels. Is it really talent or something else?

·         Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky – Great book about ideas and how to push ideas through to where you really make something happen out of them.

·         The Lean Startup by Eric Reis – Ever wanted to start a company or venture? This is the book to read as it provides practical application and frameworks for starting something.

·         The Message: The Book of Proverbs by Eugene H. Peterson – This is the book of wisdom and it’s so rich with practical content.  

·         Great by Choice by Jim Collins – New book from Collins about the path to greatness as an individual and organization.  

Books in the on deck circle:

·         Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

·         The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

·         Made to Stick by Chip Heath

Songs I’m repeating: 

·         “Grace” by Laura Story – This is on her Great God that Saves Album. This is an amazing album. I’m really taking back by the depth and storytelling of her lyrics. Many of these songs cause me to pause, listen and think. 

·         “Strong Enough” by Matthew West – Great song about leaning on the strength of God vs. our own strength. A great daily reminder for me as I work through valleys and mountaintops.  

·         “Yahweh” by Hillsong – Great devotional song that helps put things in perspective.  

Discussion Question: What are you reading our listening to that is currently resonating with you?

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1 Response to My Tuesday Recommendations

  1. John says:

    I’ve been listening to “The Divine Conspiracy” by Dallas Willard on audiobook. “The Me I Want to Be” by John Ortberg is next on deck.

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